What To Do For This Childhood Behavior!

Do you ever catch yourself saying the same things over and over again to your kids or students and feel like a broken record?


Here’s how it might go: – “Please turn off the TV, it’s time to go.” *2 minutes later* “Put your shoes on, it’s time to go.” *1 minute later, because you’re going to be late if they don’t start moving now* Turn off the TV and put your shoes on. *1 minute later, no one has moved and no one has shoes on* TURN OFF THE TV RIGHT NOW!!!!!! SHOES!!!! NOW!!!!


It’s okay! We’ve all been there. Here’s something different to try:


Only say The Thing TWO times, and the second time you say it, be there to make SURE your kid will do it. What we need kids to learn is that they follow directions the FIRST time they hear it The Thing, not the millionth time.


When we repeat ourselves over and over, what we’re teaching them is mom or teacher or adult will say The Thing probably 8-10 times and THEN I’ll actually have to do The Thing.


Here’s the same scenario, played out in a different way: – “Sam?” “Yeah mom?” “Please turn off the TV and get your shoes on, it’s time to go.” *radio silence for 2 min, except for the background noise of the TV* Mom walks into the living room, hands Sam the remote and says in a neutral tone, “turn the TV off please. Thanks. Now go get your shoes on.” As he gets up to get his shoes on, Mom says, “Thank you for listening.”


Ahhh. Much better. No yelling, no wasted breath, and The Thing got done with a little extra prompting, but it. got. done. ✅


Keep it up, and with a little consistency and time, your kids will learn that you mean what you say and good things happen when they follow directions the first time. Don’t forget to notice when they do listen to you and praise them for it!


So keep putting in the work, parents and teachers, and follow through whenever you can. Your words mean something!


Go enjoy your kids today!

Call Project Play Therapy anytime for a consultation concerning a childhood behavior!