-Speech therapy here to talk about one of the BEST tools for expanding language skills: BOOKS! Books are one of my most favorite therapy items to use. Why? Because you can use them for a million different things and for kids of all ages and levels.-
Need to work on articulation? I love Dr. Seuss books for that. Expressive and receptive language? Eric Carle is your guy. Social skills? Julia Cook knows all about that. How about fluency? Really any book will do if it’s on grade level and easy for them to read. –
These authors and targeted skills are just a few of the many ways to use books. Have your kids explore just like they would with a new toy or activity. Let them hold the book, turn the pages, and talk about the things they see. Reading doesn’t mean you have to go exactly by the book (pun intended). Make up your own story, act them out with your child, label the objects and actions on each page, and talk about what you see. Books are just another way of playing and interacting.
Article by: Taylor Moore, M.S., CCC-SLP
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