Comparing and Contrasting Skills
Comparing and contrasting is the skill of finding the similarities and differences between two or more items, people, or concepts. This is an important skill for children as they progress in their understanding and use of language. Practicing this can help improve vocabulary, describing skills, sentence structure, reading comprehension and more.
Early Year Development
Preschool and early elementary age children may work on identifying how common objects are the same and how they are different. While working on this skill, using visuals and real items can help increase a child’s ability to provide information about objects. Children should be encouraged to think about an item’s shape, color, material or other qualities and characteristics. Encourage children to compare and contrast by asking questions like “What do we do with it?” or “Where do we find it?”
Later Year Development
As children move through upper elementary and middle school grades, comparing and contrasting becomes more important for learning vocabulary and understanding text across subjects. Visuals such as charts, diagrams, and pictures may help students find similarities and differences between genres of text, types of math equations, or historical leaders.
Need an activity to work on this skill with your kids?
Download our free compare and contrast activity page here! Here you will find three different activity pages, as well as a blank one to make your own with items you find around your house. We hope you enjoy!
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