Teaching Kids to Hop

Hopping Skills

Hopping can be a very tricky task for kids to figure out. It takes a combination of leg strength, balance, and coordination of the upper and lower body to gain enough momentum for foot clearance.

Click here to watch the video from our physical therapist sharing these hopping games.

Here are some fun ways to work on hopping at home:

Sack Race: Sometimes we will see kids choose to hop off a stronger or preferred leg instead of having equal push-off between both. To encourage symmetry, we can come up with ways to prevent the legs from working individually. One way to do this is with a sack race! If you do not have an old sack lying around, try wrapping up a blanket around your feet and off you go.

Distance Competition: This one is very similar to measuring your child’s height on a wall and takes only a roll of tape. Mark a starting line and have everyone in the house jump from two feet as far as they can. Encourage use of arms to swing and provide momentum. Write everyone’s name on a piece of tape where they land, and re-jump if you fall backwards. This is a great way to create competition and track progress!

Quiet Bunnies: This game is similar to Marco Polo in that one player has their eyes closed and is trying to tag the other players. The players trying to “hide” are the bunnies and can only hop to move. They have to be as quiet as possible while the player with their eyes closed tries to find and tag them. Whoever gets tagged is “it” next!


Feel free to reach out to Project Play Therapy if there are ongoing concerns with a child’s motor skills.


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