Sight Words + Music

sight words

Sight Words Song Scavenger Hunt

Go! Me! Help! We! See! What do all of these words have in common? They can all be found on the Pre-Primer Dolch Sight Words list, which is commonly taught as part of beginner reading curriculums. Sight words are common words that pop up frequently when reading.

Recognizing these words helps kids to become faster, more fluent readers, since they don’t have to stop and try to sound them out. If your child has been working on the same words for a long time, working on sight words can become frustrating.

How can music help?

  • Music can help to make repetitive learning activities (like practicing sight words) more fun and motivating!
  • Musical stimuli like rhythm, melody, and movement can help kids to recall information (like sight words) more effectively.
  • Music “wakes up” different parts of the brain, helping to solidify information as it is learned.

One of our music therapists has put together a “Sight Word Song Scavenger Hunt” game to help support your child in learning sight words! Download the free printable  Sight Words Songs. Pull up each song on Spotify or YouTube and have fun listening and singing along. After the song is over, have your child circle the target sight word each time they see it in the song lyrics.

Have fun and happy reading!


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