Celebrating the Earth Through Music

Happy Earth Day!

What better way to celebrate the beauty of our planet than with music? In today’s blog you will learn about how to work on WH questions while celebrating the earth with music. Click here to watch a video of our music therapist singing “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong.


Skills Addressed

For a fun activity to do while listening to this song, step outside your front door with your child. Bring a piece of paper, and either draw or make a list of all the things that you can see in the wonderful world! This is a great opportunity to practice answering WH questions about the things you heard about in the song and/or the things you see outside.


WH Question Examples:

  • What color are the trees?
  • How does it feel outside today?
  • What color is the sky? What about the clouds?
  • How can we help take care of the earth?
  • What is your favorite plant? Where does it grow? What color is it? How tall do you think it is?
  • Who do you like to play outside with?
  • What is your favorite animal? Where does it live? If you touched it, how would it feel?
  • Why is it important to take care of our planet?

Additional Resources

Here are more songs about the earth and how we can take care of it.



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